Monday, August 13, 2012

Singing Birds!

Interesting Facts about Pigeon Birds

White Pigeon Bird
Pigeons are one of the many species of birds that you can find almost anywhere. These kinds of birds are unique because they tend to live in urban areas. This is very different from other species of birds because most birds live in areas that have a lot of trees. The pigeon prefers to live in large cities. If you live in a city, then you have probably seen many of these kinds of birds walking down the sidewalk. These birds will make nests on the flat surfaces of buildings. When it comes to building a nest, the male will go out in search for materials, and the female will build the nest.

Interesting Facts about Crow Birds

Crows are considered to be one of the smartest species of birds. They are able to adapt well to most any situation that they may find themselves in. These kinds of birds are dark in color, and they can be found in most every part of the world. Crows prefer to build their nests high off of the ground, though sometimes you may find one that is built directly on the ground. This is highly unusual. The male of this species is slightly larger than the female, but other than that, there are no differences between the male and female of this species.

Interesting Facts about Woodpecker Birds

Woodpeckers are a type of bird that has an extremely strong beak. This is very important because they use this to bore holes in trees in order to eat the bugs that live inside. They will also make holes in trees that they can live in. In order for the woodpecker to figure out where to boar a hole in a tree to find insects, they have to listen carefully. There are quite a few different species of woodpeckers and they vary in color. These birds are not large, but they are very interesting to watch. In many cases, these birds will peck on a tree in order to signal to other woodpeckers in the area.

Interesting Facts about Duck Birds

Picture: Colorful Duck Bird
The duck bird can easily be found in lakes and ponds all over the world. They are part of a group that is considered to be water fowl. These birds have webbed feet that allow them to be able to paddle in water. The feathers of this kind of bird have a special kind of oil on them that prevents the bird from getting wet while they are in the water. The only places that you will not find this kind of bird is where it is extremely cold, such as in the arctic. These birds come in a wide variety of different colors, and by looking at the colors, you can easily tell which species of duck you are looking at.

Interesting Facts about Owl Birds

Owls are one of the many species of birds of prey. These kinds of birds typically feed on rodents and other small animals. The largest owls are about 27 inches long. Owls have soft feathers, and you can tell the species of owl that you are looking at by the color of it. One of the interesting facts about owls is how they can turn their head. They are able to rotate their heads 180 degrees in either direction. This means that they are able to turn their head so they can see directly behind them. When they eat, they will typically swallow their prey whole. They will then regurgitate the parts that they are unable to digest.

Interesting Facts about Humming Birds

Humming Birds
Humming birds are one of the smallest birds in the world. They are no bigger than a bumblebee. These kinds of birds are known for being able to flap their wings at very high speeds. They will zoom around from flower to flower eating the nectar that they produce. If you would like to see a humming bird close up, then you should put a bird feeder outside your window. You should fill the feeder with sugar water. If you find that humming birds do not seem interested in your feeder, you should consider adding bright colors to it because this is what attracts them.

Interesting Facts about Cardinal Birds

Cardinal Bird
The cardinal bird is one of the most beautiful birds that you can see out in the wild. These birds are a bright red color, and they are easy to spot because of this. These kinds of birds do not migrate as many other species of birds do. If you have a bird house in your yard, you will find that cardinal birds will build their nests in it. Cardinals lay eggs in a nest, and the female is the one that cares for the eggs. The male cardinal is never far away. The female cardinal will call to the male in order to let him know that she is out of food. The male cardinal will then go out hunting for food to bring back to the nest.

Interesting Facts about Parrot Birds

Parrot Birds
The parrot bird is known for being able to talk. There are many people that choose to have this kind of bird as a pet. Of course, in order for you to be able to teach your bird how to talk, you will have to spend a lot of time with it. There are many different words and sentences that this kind of bird can learn how to say. Before you decide to go out and purchase one of these birds as a pet, you should make sure that you have everything that you will need in order to take care of it. If you will not be able to spend time with your parrot bird, then you may want to consider waiting until you have more free time before you get one.

Interesting Facts about Hawk Birds

Hawk Bird
One of the many birds of prey is known as the red tailed hawk bird. These birds are typically about 19 inches long, and they have a wingspan of about 50 inches. These kinds of birds are carnivores, and as adults, they mainly eat rodents. However, when they are babies, they eat worms and beetles. You can find red tailed hawk birds in almost every place in North America. You will not be able to find these birds in areas where there is snow and ice. If they are in an area that gets extremely cold in the winter, they will migrate to an area that has a warmer climate such as Mexico and South America.

Interesting Facts about Eagle Birds

Bald Eagle Bird
The eagle bird is a bird of prey. There are quite a few different species of the eagle, and the one that is most commonly seen in the United States is the bald eagle. Most eagles have an incredibly large wingspan, and they are one of the largest kinds of birds of prey. They make their nests high off of the ground. The female eagle will lay her eggs in the nest, and she typically lays only two eggs at a time. Only the first bird that hatches will be the one to survive because it will kill the second baby just after it hatches.




Picture: Birds

Different Birds